Monday, March 06, 2006

Im Baaack!

Not that anyone missed me, but here I am.
Last night, as I was trying to sleep at 3 a.m., an idea came to me like lighting. I must start writing my memories. I while ago I thought this idea that's been circling my head for a while most likely will be done while in retirement, 25 to 30 years from now, in a beach, somewhere in Mexico. But, last night it came to me that if Im already forgetting most stuff from my childhood, there's no guarantee Ill be able to keep all my fond memories for such a long time.
So, my writing will begin with my grandparents address: 8-40-A. There's a whole story behind those numbers and letter. I might even do it here. Or somewhere else. Either way, Ill try to do it soon.
We'll see.
So this was a mellow weekend. On Friday I decided to stay in and recover from the impromptu drinking session that developed Thurs night with JC, A and C. On Sat, I saw my favorite film of all times, BLUE VELVET. I really like the extras of the new special edition DVD, But Isabella Rosellinni looks terrible!. But all this was on preparation to the oscar festivities on Sunday. Saw the oscars at Roscoe's with JC (dawm you, crash!) and then to circuit till 2:30. Theres' something about familiar faces at that place. They keep getting friendlier with every vodka tonic.


At 7:20 PM, Blogger George CP Lin said...

I was trying to remember my childhood's home address... and it took me forever to remember that is was 246. Damn, that sucks that I had to think so long for that one.

At 9:45 PM, Blogger bomitoni said...'ve updated! i'm shocked! keep it up rddp :P


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